Patient enrollment for a multinational trial wraps up three months early due to Amplity’s clinical trial liaison team.
Help a large global pharmaceutical company revive a flagging international clinical trial. Our focus: improve brand, bolster site relationships, build trial awareness, resolve issues, and speed up patient recruitment. Activating our CTL network around the world, we accelerated the trial’s timeline, ultimately allowing the client to file early.
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The Ask
Large BioPharma
Boost Patient Enrollment
One year into a three-year trial, enroll the remaining 80% of patients.
Engage Sites
Sites were disengaged due to multiple, uncoordinated communications from diverse stakeholders.
Improve Brand Image
Site personnel view the company favorably in order to work with researchers for years to come.
The Approach
Clinical Trial Liaison
Use Strong Communicators
Lead a team of site relationship experts who are helpful to sites and build trust.
Take A Site-Centric Approach
Put the site at the center of communication efforts. Build collaboration among the site, the client’s medical affairs team, the on-site study coordinator, the client’s study team, and the site research team.
Gauge Sites’ Likelihood To Contribute
Collect deep insights about each site so that the client can invest the greatest resources in sites most likely to bring patients into the trial.
The Results
Client Satisfaction
Business Objectives Exceeded
First Patients At U.S. Sites Initiated
Helped the client, after a year of effort on their own, enroll the first U.S. patients.
Met Enrollment Goal
Amplity CTLs were responsible for 80% of enrollments in 23 months; they met that enrollment goal within 20 months.