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Amplity Study Identifies Clinical + Humanistic Burden Of Alzheimer’s Disease In The U.S.

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May 6, 2024
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Research presented at the 2024 International Society for Pharmacoeconomic and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) conference shows how the Amplity AnswerY™ Real-World Database enhances understanding of clinical decision-making



Langhorne, PA | May 6, 2024 –


Amplity, a Contract Sales and Medical Outsourcing Partner, has used real-world point-of-care clinical data to reveal how symptoms and comorbidities experienced by individuals with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) impact quality of life. Findings from this retrospective study, “Clinical and Humanistic Burden Associated With Alzheimer’s Disease in the United States: An Analysis of Patient Characteristics, Treatment Patterns, and Quality of Life Using a Physician Notes Real-World Database,” were presented on May 6th at ISPOR 2024 in Atlanta, GA.

Using the Amplity AnswerY™ (formerly Amplity Insights) real-world database researchers used natural language processing to search and analyze 60 million electronic medical records from nearly 120,000 healthcare providers at 40,000 inpatient/outpatient care sites across the United States.

In this study:

  • 144,687 patients with AD were identified in the AnswerY Database, who were diagnosed between January 2003 through December 2024
  • Of the patients identified in the database where comorbidities are mentioned, 83% had cardiovascular, 52% experienced metabolic, and 28% had psychiatric comorbidities
  • Of patients in the database where symptoms are mentioned, depression (37%), anxiety (26%), aggression (21%), cognitive impairment (21%), and confusion (20%) were the most frequent
  • Of the records mentioning any quality-of-life parameter, falls (71%) were the most common

“The path to an AD diagnosis can be long, and by analyzing this real-world data, we were able to determine that these patients carry a considerable quality-of-life burden, which extends to their caregivers,” says Dave Iwanyckyj, an Amplity AnswerY executive who is one of the authors for this study. “Furthermore, patients with AD suffer psychological symptoms years in advance of diagnosis and continue to experience these symptoms throughout their AD journey at higher rates post-diagnosis relative to the core disease symptoms of cognitive impairment and confusion.”

“This study demonstrates how the analysis and aggregation of raw qualitative physician records provides a unique and valuable way to track the evolution of patients’ symptoms against clinical decision-making in real-world clinical practice,” says Chris Baker, CEO of Amplity Health. “Our aim is to use these data to identify barriers that prevent patients from accessing biomarker evaluation in AD and illuminate opportunities to improve care across diverse patient populations.”


About Amplity AnswerY (formerly Amplity Insights)

Disrupting Data Norms

AnswerY, our proprietary HIPAA-compliant database + platform, cuts through marketplace noise with data sourced from unfiltered patient-provider conversations. Powered by NLP + AI, AnswerY explains the “why” behind treatment rationale for improved care + smarter strategies. Exclusive intel, straight from the source.


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May 6, 2024

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