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Study Finds Doctors Often Overlook Key RA Symptoms

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April 5, 2022
Rheumatoid arthritis tends to affect the joints that attach your fingers to your hands and your toes to your feet.

Evaluation Of Disease Activity In Patients Diagnosed With Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): How Often And To What Detail Are Assessments Documented? 

Authors: Manuel Prado, Founder & CEO of RealHealthData, and Amy Smalarz, Founder & CEO of Strategic Market Insight 

Affiliations: RealHealthData (Santa Cruz, CA, USA), which was acquired by Amplity in 2020, and Strategic Market Insight, Acton, MA, USA 


This study leveraged the RealHealthData database (now known as AnswerY™), composed of HIPAA-compliant transcribed physician notes, to examine how often disease activity + damage in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) was documented by physicians during office visits. 



  • 300 records for RA patients were extracted from the RealHealthData database (now known as AnswerY) 
  • Patients were at least 18 years of age, were diagnosed with RA, and had an office visit with at least one physician in the past 12 months 
  • Atlas.ti + Excel were used to analyze the records and assess how frequently physicians documented the recommended evaluations of disease activity during office visits 


  •  92% of physicians documented the presence of actively inflamed joints + evidence of disease progression for their patients 

Most physicians document RA disease progression.


  • 28% and 18% of doctors documented duration of morning stiffness + fatigue, respectively; 11% documented the degree of joint pain via a visual analog scale (VAS)   


Many physicians overlook morning stiffness and fatigue in RA patients.


  • Physicians rarely documented their own global assessment of disease activity (5%) or the patient’s global assessment of disease activity 


Documentation of physician or patient global assessment of disease activity.



  • While many physicians documented the number of tender and swollen joints, loss of motion, or deformity, most physicians did not document patient-reported symptoms that are critical to disease monitoring  
  • Our results demonstrate there is room for improvement when it comes to documenting patient-reported outcomes in RA 


Founded as RealHealthData in 2014, the company was acquired by Amplity Health in 2020, named the database Amplity Insightsand the platform Xplore. In late 2024, both were united under a single name — AnswerY™— emphasizing our unique ability to uncover the “why” behind treatment decisions + identify HCPs and patients who can benefit from lifesaving trials + treatments.RealHealthData, now known as AnswerY



April 5, 2022

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