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Real-time patient-level insights powered by a
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How To Address Patient Leakage & Improve Outcomes

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December 8, 2023
Sales Data and Patient Outcomes

Care gaps prevent patients from receiving targeted therapies. Sales teams, precision medicine liaisons & analytics can help ensure no patient is left behind. 


Why it matters: Precision medicine (PM) is reshaping healthcare with targeted treatments, yet one big challenge remains: making sure the right patients are identified and get the right therapy. Leakage — where eligible patients slip through the cracks — continues to be a hurdle.  

By teaming up, sales teams and precision medicine liaisons (PMLs) can use shared data and analytics to close these gaps and improve patient outcomes. Here are a few key benefits of this collaborative approach: 

  • Informed decisions: By creating comprehensive patient profiles, PMLs can make smarter recommendations + identify early adopters likely to benefit from new treatments. 
  • Identified gaps: Advanced analytics can reveal specific patient care needs, enabling PMLs and sales teams to target the right physicians + institutions, ensuring no eligible patients are overlooked. 
  • Streamlined communications: Shared access to detailed patient insights fosters coordinated efforts between PMLs + sales teams, enhancing support for physicians + patient care. 
  • Adjusted strategies: Real-time data allows for fast strategy pivots. For example, if a treatment shows promising results, PMLs can quickly update their approach, keeping teams responsive to developments in patient care. 


The big picture: Having a qualitative database in place can help put these strategies into action. AnswerY, our proprietary database of real, HIPAA-compliant HCP-patient conversations, leverages text mining to identify patients with rare diseases missed in traditional diagnostic processes.  

These interactions give an unfiltered, detailed look at the real-world factors affecting medical decisions. Unlike traditional claims data, which tell you what  happened, AnswerY provides a compliant way at scale to understand the why  behind patient and provider choices, like starting, switching, or stopping treatments. 

AnswerY empowers PMLs and sales teams to tackle care barriers, ensuring the right patients get timely access to PM therapies + a better chance at effective treatment. 


The bottom line: The fusion of advanced analytics + cross-functional team collaboration unlocks the full potential of precision medicine, which can reduce patient leakage and improve outcomes. 

Amplity has a track record of supporting precision medicine teams across numerous pharma organizations, driving measurable success. 


Dig deeper: Watch our on-demand webinar, Closing the Gap Between Precision Medicine and Patient Care, to learn more. 


December 8, 2023

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